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Lake Oswego, OR 97035
BTL VANQUISH ME is the second generation of contactless technology for fat cell disruption. The device has the industry’s largest spot-size treatment area, ensuring an unrivaled level of patient comfort and safety. Using the patented Selective RFTM technology, BTL VANQUISH ME allows patients to reduce the circumference of the entire abdominal area or inner and outer thighs. This procedure is ideal for patients with less fat and lower BMI.
Reducing fat in areas like the abdomen, thighs, and lower back can feel impossible after consistent efforts have been made with rigorous exercise and stringent dieting. Perhaps you have reached a plateau, and the fatty areas around your stomach and other problem areas are just not budging. You’re sure that seeking surgery is not an option for you. But there’s no reason to settle with the flabby flesh that makes you uncomfortable. We offer a few fat removal choices at Aesthetic Medicine, including Vanquish™ Fat Reduction. It’s a non-surgical procedure that effectively minimizes the “spare tire” and “love handles” that you may be struggling to get rid of.
Vanquish™ is a comfortable treatment that uses focused-field radio signals to destroy fat cells in your front abdominal, lower back, and “love handles” areas. This treatment feels similar to a warm blanket placed over the treated area. It’s fast and can safely be used to trim your waistline without any risk of damage to your skin. One unique feature of Vanquish™ is that it can target and treat areas where bulges of fat are present without touching the skin. This is an excellent alternative for people who want to avoid procedures like liposuction and are primarily concerned with reducing specific areas of excess fat.
This procedure has been used on a large portion of the population with positive results. We understand that before getting the treatment, some patients may want to address some concerns to fully grasp what the treatment is and what they can expect during and after the treatment. We have included some common questions that some patients may have.
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Let us help you rejuvenate and revitalize your body. Since 1995, Aesthetic Medicine Lake Oswego has performed over 17,000 successful transformations.